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My Pledge to Embracing VC-Lab's The Mensarius Oath

In the dynamic realm of venture capital, the choices made by investors can revolutionize industries, redefine markets, and touch the lives of many. Today, I am thrilled to commit to The Mensarius Oath, an ethical guideline that deeply reflects my principles and ambitions.

The Mensarius Oath: A Personal Milestone

The Mensarius Oath is more than just a pledge; it is a moral compass guiding Venture professionals to make decisions rooted in ethics, responsibility, and compassion. The updated version of this oath, The Mensarius Oath v2, is particularly significant to me. As someone who has progressed significantly in the realm of the Venture, having launched and maintained equity relationships with around 29 startups, I recognize the profound responsibility that comes with this role. Signing the updated version of this oath is a reflection of my commitment to uphold these values as I continue to grow in my career.

The Journey Ahead

Taking The Mensarius Oath is a significant undertaking for me, and I am committed to doing it properly. This pledge aligns with my philosophy of ethical investing and underscores the necessity of incorporating these values into every decision I make. By committing to this oath, I aim to support entrepreneurs with genuine care, prioritize the long-term welfare of society, and contribute to a more sustainable and inclusive future.

Supporting Startups Should be a Main Stream Priority for Everyone!

Supporting startups should be a mainstream priority for everyone, not only for governments, because they are the backbone of our lives who dare to think differently, making the world a better place, and creating a better future through science and fair commercialization. The impact of startups nurtured by ethical investors extends far beyond the immediate business landscape. These companies become catalysts for positive change, driving innovation, creating jobs, and addressing pressing global challenges. When startups operate with ethical foundations, their influence can ripple across the world, contributing to a more sustainable and inclusive future. Checkout my article on easiest way of supporting startups.

A call for fellow venture anablers

The Mensarius Oath is a beacon of integrity in the venture capital world, reminding investors of their profound responsibility to society. By committing to ethical investing, venture capitalists can profoundly impact the lives of entrepreneurs, the success of startups, and the well-being of the global community. In a world where financial decisions can shape the future, The Mensarius Oath serves as a guiding light, ensuring that progress is achieved with compassion, responsibility, and unwavering ethical standards.


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